News & Events


2015 Annual Corporation Meeting

November 2, 2015

Annual Meeting Highlights Northwest Hospital Foundation and UPMC Northwest Members of the Northwest Hospital Foundation Corporation gathered for their annual meeting on Tuesday, October 6 where they learned about foundation activities over the past year as well as several UPMC Northwest achievements as well as both local and national health care trends. In her report

…Continued from 2015 Annual Corporation Meeting

TCU/Rehab Healing Garden Grand Opening

November 2, 2015

Northwest Hospital Foundation Celebrates Opening of Healing Garden for Patients Northwest Hospital Foundation recently celebrated the opening of a new Healing Garden for TCU/Rehab patients as part of National Rehabilitation Awareness Week. The garden is the inspiration of TCU and Rehab staff members at UPMC Northwest who envisioned a recreational area that would provide patients

…Continued from TCU/Rehab Healing Garden Grand Opening

Northwest Hospital Foundation Approves Funding Projects to Benefit Patients, Families

July 8, 2015

Northwest Hospital Foundation recently approved funding for two projects that directly impact patients and families in the Family Birthing Center and TCU/Rehab units of UPMC Northwest. The projects, totaling nearly $15,000, will provide a new Healing Garden for TCU/Rehab patients; as well as safe sleep instructional books for families of infants born in UPMC Northwest’s

…Continued from Northwest Hospital Foundation Approves Funding Projects to Benefit Patients, Families

Northwest Hospital Foundation Outlines Direction, Introduces New Director

June 5, 2015

The first several months of 2015 have been eventful for Venango County’s local hospital foundation, most notably with a new identity. The Northwest Hospital Foundation name was adopted in January, and the changes have kept coming ever since. Denise Jones, longtime Venango County chief clerk/county administrator assumed leadership in January, and along with working on

…Continued from Northwest Hospital Foundation Outlines Direction, Introduces New Director

Local Hospital’s Foundation Introduces New Era of Servicing UPMC Northwest

January 14, 2015

Members of the current UPMC Northwest Foundation have been working diligently over the past year to determine the future course of the local, non-profit organization. Outgoing foundation board chair, Hope Bittner, shares that the foundation’s mission, and central core of all current and future efforts, remains the same: to enhance UPMC Northwest’s ability to provide

…Continued from Local Hospital’s Foundation Introduces New Era of Servicing UPMC Northwest