Franklin Elks Lodge Ensures No Patient is Forgotten on the Holidays

Courtesy Franklin Elks

Imagine the pain and disappointment of missing out on cherished holiday traditions because you are in the hospital: not getting to open gifts under the tree, sing holiday carols, or eat spoonfuls of pumpkin pie surrounded by your family. At UPMC Northwest, patients get a little taste of home on holidays, thanks in part to the generosity of the Franklin Elks Lodge.

The Franklin Elks Lodge was founded in 1889 and currently boasts over 650 members. The mission of this fraternal order is to promote and practice charity, justice, brotherly love, and fidelity. They are a benevolent organization dedicated to protecting and supporting their membership and community.

 In 2024, the Elks gave over $140,000 in support of local causes, including scholarships, food distribution to families in need, and charitable contributions to a variety of educational, cultural, and healthcare institutions. The Northwest Hospital Foundation was a fortunate recipient of these funds for the Holiday Presents for Patients Program.

Started in 2022, the Holiday Presents for Patients Program provides small supportive gifts to all UPMC Northwest and Behavioral Health Unit inpatients on holidays. Receiving a gift during the holidays can significantly boost a patient’s morale and serves as a reminder that they are cared for and remembered, which is especially important for those feeling isolated due to undergoing medical care. This program also encourages community involvement by allowing various individuals and organizations to contribute to the well-being of patients. 

Last year, more than 1,000 patients received gifts over 10 holidays. Clinical staff confirm that the presents lift the spirits of patients undergoing treatment away from their families. For patients missing out on celebrations at home, the gifts bring a sense of normalcy and show them that they are not forgotten. Behavioral Health staff report they are often the only presents their patients will receive.

Pete O’Polka, Lodge Secretary, emphasized the Lodge’s commitment to supporting projects like Holiday Presents for Patients that directly benefit people in our area. “It’s our responsibility as Elks to help those in need, especially locally,” he said. “We love sponsoring this program because it makes a real difference for folks in the hospital. It’s more than just giving gifts; it’s letting them know we are there for them as a community.”