Powering a Healthy Community: Central Electric Cooperative

Courtesy Central Electric Cooperative

For employees of Central Electric Cooperative (CEC), great service is about more than just ensuring reliable electricity. It means looking out for the health of their families, friends, and neighbors.

Founded in 1937, CEC is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Parker. The company currently employs approximately 70 people to manage over 3,200 miles of line serving more than 25,000 members across 7 counties. In fact, many of their employees service the same areas where they reside with their families.

Being so firmly rooted in community, CEC and its employees take responsibility for keeping their families, friends, and neighbors healthy and safe. The company gives annually to the Northwest Hospital Foundation’s Greatest Need Fund to ensure high-quality healthcare remains available close to home.

The Greatest Need Fund provides critical, flexible funding that allows UPMC Northwest to respond quickly to urgent patient care priorities. These donations help support patients, staff, and healthcare initiatives when they are needed most, ensuring that patients are getting the best possible care right here.

CEC invests in the Greatest Need Fund using unclaimed capital credits, so these donations do not impact member rates. Individual employees are also given the opportunity to contribute an annual $500 donation to a local nonprofit of their choice through the Employee Directed Giving Program, of which the Northwest Hospital Foundation has also been a beneficiary.

 “I can’t think of a better way to put our members and community first than to help meet their healthcare needs,” said Communications Supervisor Nicole Staley. “We are proud to be a partner in brightening both our community’s homes and its future by making an impact where it matters most: health.”