Rebekah Deal Steps Up Her Support

Rebekah Deal is not just quick on her feet. She’s quick to help those grieving, quick to embrace her community, and quick to support the efforts of the Northwest Hospital Foundation.

She is literally running the streets of Oil City to connect with and inspire others as a member of the local running group, Moving with Purpose. This is a group comprised of 30 to 40 members who run the city streets each weekday. She tops the weekend off with anywhere from a 10- to 20-mile run. And she goes the extra mile for Northwest Hospital Foundation’s Doves of Peace program.

Rebekah and her husband Matthew Deal own the Morrison Funeral Home. “We deal with families facing or planning for the end of lifetime, as well as the process of helping them grieve. The Foundation serves as a great tool for helping people with all these types of processes.”

The diagnosis and death of her mother two years ago was Rebekah’s first experience of the efforts of the Northwest Foundation.

“They reach out to people going through the toughest of times. I experienced this when my mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer with only a few months to live. I was able to be with her during her last few months. I got involved with the Foundation’s Doves of Peace program when she passed. “

The UPMC Northwest Doves of Peace tree is a visual reminder of loved ones lost. Personalized dove ornaments are on display on a 12-foot tree in the main lobby of UPMC Northwest for patients and families to visit throughout the holiday season.

She also joined the Northwest Hospital Foundation Corporation Board last year to further her support efforts. She is the president of the Oil City Rotary Club; she’s a member of ZONTA, an organization that expands opportunities for women and girls through education programs and service projects, and also serves as the vice-chair of the Executive Board of the Oil City YMCA.

Rebekah sees each of her community roles as a bridge to building an overall stronger community support effort.

“Being on the board, I have had the pleasure of working with so many amazing people. It is exciting to be involved – exciting to see all these people with such a heart for our community.”